Monday, February 22, 2016

Data Management – Making sense out of Big Data

It is no secret that managing Gigabytes of CAD data can be tough. Especially if you’re a new comer to a company that contains years of legacy data, you’ll probably be spending at least 2 hours a day on non-essential task, which is sorting out your files. Continue Reading...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Previewing SOLIDWORKS 2017

Each year at SOLIDWORKS WORLD, the Product Introduction Team delivers a Technology Preview to show off some of the new functionality that is under development for SOLIDWORKS Desktop products. The Day 3 Skit the team produces has become one of the most highly anticipated events for our user community, and the 2016 version continued our longstanding tradition of having great fun and not taking ourselves too seriously, while showing off a host of enhancements – both big and small—that our development team has been working hard to produce for the next release. Continue Reading...

Monday, February 8, 2016

SOLIDWORKS PDM Simulator – The First in Singapore!


We have been listening to our users when it comes to implementing a data management system, and the biggest concerns of adopters usually boils down to:

1. Is a data management system simple to maintain?

2. Is it easy for a new-comer for a company to get used to the data management system?

3. Is it really able to connect all the different departments who are not the CAD users?

Based on these concerns, we are looking to help overcome these concerns with our new programme, the SOLIDWORKS PDM Simulator!

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Monday, February 1, 2016

SOLIDWORKS Composer Training

SOLIDWORKS Composer Training teaches users how to create 2D and 3D output from CAD design data using SOLIDWORKS Composer. Users will learn to create interactive contents and animations for technical documentations, marketing collaterals and etc.
This Class has 8 seats available, register now to avoid disappointment!

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