Monday, September 26, 2016

Discover Here What's New in SOLIDWORKS 2017

Join us at our largest event of the year to discover the power you need to go beyond Engineering to drive innovation. Meet industry experts to discuss about ideas, trends, and technology shaping the future of 3D Design. Learn about the latest enhancements of SOLIDWORKS 2017, and get ready to take yourself to the next level!

Monday, September 19, 2016

SOLIDWORKS PDM – Manage Standard Libraries and Project Folders

When you manage assemblies which contains many parts, you would probably reuse certain part files to speed up the design process. Standard parts such as bolts/nuts, or maybe basic sub-assemblies such as motors and actuators (which will be procured from the same vendor) can quickly be reinserted if they were used in other projects.

If you would like to know more, call us at +65 6372 1416 or email

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hurry Up! Buy SOLIDWORKS Essential Course and Get two Upgrader Courses

By upgrading your design skills, you will speed up routine work to create better designs, increase productivity and shorten the overall design cycle for faster time to market. And most importantly, you will be recognized as a certified SOLIDWORKS user!

Reserve Your Seat and upgrade your design skills with us now!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Beyond Engineering - Take It To The Next Level!

Join us at our largest event of the year to discover the power you need to go beyond Engineering to drive innovation. Meet industry experts to discuss about ideas, trends, and technology shaping the future of 3D Design. Learn about the latest enhancements of SOLIDWORKS 2017.

Register now !Get ready to take yourself to the next level.