Monday, January 4, 2016

SOLIDWORKS 2016 User Interface – Above and Beyond!

SOLIDWORKS has always come up with great features with every new installment each year. These features allows us to not only design faster, but to achieve designs that we never could achieve in the past. However, SOLIDWORKS 2016 takes it to a whole new level, by not only adding new feature but having a new GUI which makes actions more accessible and intuitive.

Such new GUI tweaks are like:

1. Breadcrumb – which allows you to maximize your screen real estate, yet still have all the commands at your fingertips. Breadcrumbs work by categorizing commands relevant to different features based on your selection.

For added convenience, pressing the ‘D’ key brings the breadcrumb toolbar to your mouse location. When you select the face icon, you have access to all of the commands or actions relevant to the face.

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